

Building a More-Than-Human World: A New History of Early Modern Architecture (in preparation).

Architecture and the Senses in the Italian Renaissance: The Varieties of Architectural Experience. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021.

The Ruin of the Eternal City: Antiquity and Preservation in Renaissance Rome. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. Also available in Oxford Scholarship Online.

Articles and Book Chapters

“Postscript: Weaving a Pluralistic, Multifaceted Vision of the World.” Multiplicity: Agency, Constraint, and Freedom in Contemporary Architecture, eds. Pari Riahi, Laure Katsaros, and Michael Davis, University of Massachusetts Press (forthcoming, 2024)

“On Vitruvius and the Early Modern Worksite.” Companion to the Reception of Vitruvius, eds. Ingrid Rowland and Sinclair Bell, Brill Companions to Classical Reception Series (forthcoming 2024).

“Editorial: Introducing JSAH Roundtables.” Journal for the Society of Architectural Historians 82, 3 (September 2023).

“Tribute to Pauline Saliga.” Journal for the Society of Architectural Historians 82, 2 (June 2023).

“Editorial: Foregrounding Keywords at JSAH.” Journal for the Society of Architectural Historians 82, 1 (March 2023).

Roundtable: “Rethinking the Urban Landscape,” co-edited with Thaïsa Way. Journal for the Society of Architectural Historians 81, 3 (September 2022).

“Architectural History and the Environmental Humanities: A Call for an Expanded Approach,” Platform (8 August 2022)

“On Vitruvius and the Early Modern Worksite.” Companion to the Reception of Vitruvius, eds. Ingrid Rowland and Sinclair Bell, under contract with Brill Companions to Classical Reception Series, (forthcoming 2022).

“Roundtable: Constructing Race and Architecture 1400-1800, Part 2.” Journal for the Society of Architectural Historians 80, 4 (December 2021).

“Rethinking the Tempietto Through the Senses,” Aeon (26 November 2021).

“On Vitruvius and the Early Modern Worksite.” Companion to the Reception of Vitruvius, eds. Ingrid Rowland and Sinclair Bell, under contract with Brill Companions to Classical Reception Series (forthcoming November 2021).

“Roundtable, and Editor’s Introduction: Constructing Race and Architecture 1400-1800, Part 1.” Journal for the Society of Architectural Historians 80, 3 (September 2021).

Editorial: “Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.” Journal for the Society of Architectural Historians 80, 1 (March 2021): 6-7.

“Early Modern Spaces and Olfactory Traces.” Co-authored with Christy Anderson for The Routledge Handbook of Material Culture in Early Modern Europe, edited by Catherine Richardson, Tara Hamling, and David Gaimster, 354-370. New York: Routledge, 2017.

“The Sacro Monte at Varallo and the Choreography of an Olfactory Landscape.” Future Anterior 13.2 (Winter 2016): 57-76.

“On Foot: Architecture and Movement.” Co-authored with Christy Anderson. Architectural Review 12 October 2015.

“The Destruction and Renewal of the Via Triumphalis, 1533-36.” In Philibert De l’Orme: un architecte dans l’histoire: artes, sciences, techniques: actes du LVIIe colloque internationale d’études humanistes, eds. Frédérique Lemerle and Yves Pauwels, 300-325. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015.

“Archaeology and the Anxiety of Loss: Effacing Preservation from the History of Renaissance Rome.” The American Journal of Archaeology 115 / 2 (April 2011): 159-174.

“Preserving Antiquity in a Protestant City: the Maison Carrée in Sixteenth-Century Nîmes.” In Art, Piety, and Destruction in European Religion, 1500-1700, ed. Virginia Raguin, 105-140. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010.

“The Colosseum.” In The Classical Tradition, eds. Anthony Grafton, Glenn Most, and Salvatore Settis, 216-217. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2010.

“Preservation as Transcendent Vision: Antonio Duca and Santa Maria degli Angeli.” In Faith and Fantasy in the Renaissance: Text, Images, and Religious Practices, eds. Olga Pugliese and Matt Kavaler, 316-330. Toronto: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, 2009.

“Michelangelo’s ‘Minimalism’ in the Design of Santa Maria degli Angeli.” Annali di architettura 20 (2008), 141-153.

“Printing and Protecting Ancient Remains in the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae.” In The Virtual Tourist in Renaissance Rome: Printing and Collecting the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae, ed. Rebecca Zorach, 36-51. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008.

“Renaissance Strategies to Protect the Colosseum: Selective Preservation and Reuse.” Future Anterior 2.2 (Winter 2005): 1-10.

“Restoring the Ancient Water Supply in Renaissance Rome: The Popes, the Civic Administration, and the Acqua Vergine.” In Aquae Urbis Romae, ed. Katherine Rinne, July 2005.

Catalogue entries in Palladio and Northern Europe: Books, Travelers, Architects, ed. Guido Beltramini. Milan: Skira, 1999.

Book reviews

Victor Plahte Tschudi, “Baroque Antiquity: Archaeological Imagination in Early Modern Europe,” Future Anterior 17.1 (Fall 2021).

Caroline Fowler, “Drawing and the Senses: An Early Modern History,”, March 2018.

Emanuele Barletti, ed., “Giovan Antonio Dosio da San Gimignano architetto e scultor fiorentino tra Roma, Firenze, e Napoli,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 73 / 1 (March 2014): 167-169.

Jill Burke, ed., “Rethinking the High Renaissance: The Culture of the Visual Arts in Early Sixteenth-Century Rome,” The Sixteenth Century Journal 44 / 1 (Spring 2013): 317-319.

Thomas Barrie, “The Sacred In-Between: The Mediating Roles of Architecture,” Annali di architettura 23 (2011): 181-182.

Sabine Frommel, “Francesco Primaticcio architetto,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 65 / 3 (September 2006): 437-438.

David Coffin, “Pirro Ligorio: The Renaissance Artist, Architect, and Antiquarian,” The Sixteenth Century Journal 37 / 3 (Fall 2006): 300-301.

Christof Frommel et al., “Baldassare Peruzzi 1481-1536,” Renaissance Quarterly 66 / 2 (2006): 513-515.

Amanda Lillie, “Florentine Villas in the Fifteenth Century,”, March 2006.